Baldwins Lane Surgery

265 Baldwins Lane, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 0RF

Telephone: 0121 744 1290

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Breast, Bowel and Cervical cancer screening is still going ahead. Please do attend your screening appointment, screening saves many lives every year. Remember screening is for healthy people with no symptoms to catch problems early.

Clinics & Services

Maternity Care

Doctors and midwives are available for antenatal and postnatal care. Maternity clinics are held separately from ordinary surgeries.

Contraceptive Services

The GPs hold approved certificates in family planning. Advice on all aspects of contraception can be given by doctors and nurses. Coil fittings are available at the surgery. We can prescribe contraceptive pills and administer contraceptive injections. It may also be possible to arrange for a contraceptive hormone implant device to be fitted by arrangement.

Emergency Contraception

The ‘morning after pill’ is very badly named as it is effective for up to 72 hours after you have been at risk. It is available from the pharmacy, nurses and doctors.

Cervical Smears

These are performed by our practice nurses by appointment. If you are a woman aged between 24.5 and 64, we strongly advise you to have regular cervical smears – three yearly between ages 25-50 and five yearly between 51-64. Cervical smear tests are intended to detect early changes that could lead to cancer of the cervix. Approximately 1000 women in the UK still die from cancer of the cervix each year. Early treatment can prevent these deaths. Regular cervical smears help us diagnose early problems that are easily treated and thus save lives. Please make an appointment with a practice nurse for a smear in the middle part of your menstrual cycle – ideally days 10-14.

Minor Operations

Every Monday Dr Gabriel carries out minor operations including removal of moles, cysts and carries out joint injections.

Respiratory Clinic

This is held weekly by our respiratory nurse , who is specially trained in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She monitors progress, reviews medication, checks inhaler technique and helps patients with self management and monitoring of their asthma.

Diabetic Clinic

Currently we have over 200 diabetic patients which is five percent of the practice population. Diabetes is becoming more prevalent (particularly the type two, adult onset variety, which is related to poor lifestyle and obesity in many cases). It is vital to stabilise diabetes in order to avoid the complications of blindness, heart and kidney disease, strokes and amputation. Our diabetic clinic is held weekly by our diabetic nurse Noelleen. We offer advice, education and regular monitoring of diabetics.

Blood tests

We have phlebotomy clinics on a Wednesday morning at the surgery and can accommodate many oher times during the week. Due to the pick up time from the hospital, blood tests must be done before Noon

Flu Injections

Sadly this common illness is not amenable to treatment once you have caught it. Unfortunately it can prove fatal to some people. However, it is not all bad news. Each autumn, usually in October, the practice offers flu injections to patients who are over 65 years of age and those at greater risk because of a medical condition. This includes anybody who is a diabetic or has any heart, lung, kidney or immunity problems, or taking immune suppressant medicines (including steroids) long term. The injections are given by appointment at special sessions.

Anti-Pneumonia Injections

The practice offers a single anti-pneumonia vaccination to those thought to be at risk and the over-65s. This will include anybody who is a diabetic or has any heart, lung, kidney or immunity problems. We also believe that people who have had their spleen removed should be vaccinated five yearly. Please enquire at reception for details.

Child health survillance

We have a health visitor attached to the surgery

Developmental checks and children’s immunisations are offered to children of all our patients.

Click for more information on childhood immunisation


Vaccinations for Travellers Abroad

Patients intending to travel should make an appointment with the practice nurse 2 to 3 months before travel. The nurse will discuss the details of your journey and work out which vaccines she will need to order for you. There is a charge for most travel vaccinations and certificates. Any cost must be paid in full before we order the vaccines.

Charges For Travel Vaccinations

Tetanus Injections

If you have never had a full tetanus course or have had only part of a course, arrangements can be made to give you a full course of injections, which is now combined with diphtheria.

Hepatitis B Immunisation (for employees at risk)

Guidance for GPs published in 2005 by the GPC (General Practitioners’ Committee) on this subject recommends that all patients registered with a GP are not automatically entitled to Hepatitis B vaccination if they work in a profession thought to be at risk. This includes doctors, nurses, dentists, paramedics and other emergency service workers, sewage and waste disposal workers and any students or trainees of the above occupations.

Unfortunately, GPs do not provide an occupational health service as part of their NHS responsibility.

Under Health and Safety Regulations, your employer has a duty to provide a safe working environment and, therefore, appropriate health advice for those at risk of infection with Hepatitis B. We advise you to contact your employer who will be able to make arrangements with an occupational health provider for the provision of any immunisation which you may require following an appropriate assessment of the risk to which you are exposed.

If it is not possible to arrange this through your employer, we can offer Hepatitis B vaccination courses and immunity testing privately. Please enquire at reception for the charge.

Online Consult

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    01:30pm to 07:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    01:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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